Paul Juang Professor, Pharmacy Practice Pharmacy Practice 314.446.8509 Education Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Rochester Doctor of Pharmacy from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York Pharmacy Practice Residency at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Critical Care Specialty Residency at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center Specialty Critical Care, Infectious Diseases Current Research Medication use within the ICU Vita Highlights Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine Fellow of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist Board Certified Critical Care Pharmacist
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Rochester
Doctor of Pharmacy from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York
Pharmacy Practice Residency at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Critical Care Specialty Residency at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Critical Care, Infectious Diseases
Medication use within the ICU
Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine
Fellow of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists
Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
Board Certified Critical Care Pharmacist